Monday, January 31, 2011

Fun Times

Yay for girl time! I haven't always appreciated the fellowship available with other "girls". I use the term loosely cause I'm the youngest in the group at 23! The last couple of years I have made some really good girl friends, and we would spend Friday nights doing mani's and pedi's, drinking hot drinks and eating together. Not every Friday night, but once every couple of months. Since I have only been here in the "Inland Empire" for a month and a half, I never expected to be able to have a group of girls to hang out with. Well I do! Bible studies, coffee runs, and even a girls spa night! Don't underestimate the effect of spending quality time with other women. Women truly are "herd" creatures - we need time with other women to pamper, talk, and bond.
As I write this my kitchen is a mess (I cleaned it yesterday, I swear!), clean laundry is piled in my living room, there's more laundry in the washer/dryer, the litter box needs to be cleaned... and the list always goes on. But I take the time to write, to do devotions, and journal because I know I need to do that for myself. For my mental health. It is important to take time for yourself - whether to read a book, take a bubble bath (I've learned to like those too), or spend some time with the girls! It all supports mental health - and when it comes down to it, I believe mental health dictates your entire quality of life. It's all about attitude and choices.

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