Wednesday, March 16, 2011

swift kick in the arse (what I need)

Ugh. So it's been a while since I've gotten the gumption to write - it's been awhile since I've had gumption to do anything! Depression is insidious - before you know it, you've completely caved and reverted back to what you were doing before you tried to change. So the last month has been. I just haven't had the desire or energy to write - barely can make myself work out everyday. As far as keeping the house clean - just ask  my husband, he'll tell you! Definitely not the way Mr Neat Freak kept his house while single! I cleaned up the bed room today - he walked in and said "Wow! I'm not used to this!" "What seeing the floor or the top of the bureau?" Hmmph.
I have felt pretty low consistently for the last month. It's hard to put a finger on it - I keep hoping the different meds I'm on will make a difference - but waiting for them to take care of everything would be like waiting to win the lottery - when you don't buy tickets. Ever. I get disheartened when my weight doesn't change even though my diet and exercise habits have, when I still have recluse like tendencies, and when I can't summon the energy to clean my house.
It's a viscious circle, one I'm working on breaking. I did buy a new pair of running shoes yesterday - my others were two years old. I'm commiting to running - one half mile at a time. Eventually those half miles will roll together. I also bought a few cute things at target to wear - summer dresses that make me feel pretty! and a new pair of jean shorts, mine were starting to show my undies (uh oh!). I went through clothes and packed all those up I can't wear - so seeing them everyday isn't a negative reminder. I have plans to purge my clothes when I get to a size I am happy with.
My mother recently got some health news that made me re-evaluate my own eating habits and lifestyle. I'm very glad she is making positive changes in her life. Sometimes news needs to come from someone besides your daughter (or any family member) before you'll commit to making changes. We are being each others support and sounding board for new ideas and current habits.

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