Thursday, February 24, 2011

Catching Up

Once I've gotten behind in something I find it extremely hard to catch up with! Whether it's house cleaning, or keeping up with friends... It's better just to stay on top of things! I've been dealing with some serious motivation issues this week. It is just waay to easy to stay in my pj's and surf the net rather than being productive! And for that reason my kitchen is a mess, and there are bird feathers slowly creeping out all over the house, clean laundry is piled up waiting to be put away... ooh it just adds up!
I'm building a good friend base here, but it's hard to do so since a lot of people are just here to then leave as soon as they or their spouse are done with school. I've always been bad about making friends at work. I don't know what to say or do! I lived in such a bubble around my church life, I've never had a close friend (that  I hung out with) outside of work. Sure I've gotten along with colleagues fine - I've just never made that cross over before. But I'm thinking that's the group that I need to make friends out of - since my other friends are just going to up and leave here soon! Ugh!
That or I should just transport all my good friends here.... hmm...
Another thing has been bothering me lately. It's funny how seemingly small in and of themself problems can take over your life - especially when it affects your spouse as well when dealing with depression. Luckily things have been resolved (for the time being) concerning one problem, but I'm just waiting for the next one to crop up! Is that so bad of me?

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