Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Date Night!!

Woo hoo! I got a date tonight! With my husband :) It's amazing to me that a simple date to Starbucks and a short walk will improve my mood. If felt like we were actually dating again! Oh, young romance (we've only been married for less than a year :D ).
I have been having very vivid dreams - not just occassionally, but the last 3 nights in a row. One or two isn't odd, but more than one night in a row is! They have a common theme - I'm captured and I have to escape somehow, but there is always a bad guy trying to get me, or I'm in a jail, or I'm stuck on an Island... They're kinda weird. I wake myself up sometimes, roll over and put my arm around my husband to remind myself I AM safe in bed in my own little room. I'm thinking that these new dreams are a side effect of a new med that I started about two weeks ago - Abilify (not I do NOT have schizophrenia!). They have found (in a study or two) that Abilify works as an adjunctive therapy with major depressive disorder (MDD), and at lower doses than used therapeutically with schizophrenics. I have been on Cymbalta for almost a year, starting at 30 mg daily then bumping up to 60 mg daily after 8 months or so. I have had good results - I do have more energy being on the Abilify (or the B super complex I started this last week as low - my B12 level was low).
If you are deficient in B12 it can mimic depression - lethargy, fatigue, depressed mood, withdrawal. And those are all things that I have had to deal with!
I got to spend some face time, on Skype, with a friend from nursing school. It was great to spend time talking to a good friend - someone who is like sister and cares for me like sister. We chatted about school, boys (new boys for her!), fun places in California, and planned a potential Spring Break trip. If only all of our dreams could come true! That would be SOOO amazing. But then, I prolly wouldn't be stuck at work for the next 40+ years of my life. Blech.
I also baked bread (i'm getting the hang of it - finally!), straightened up a bit, and did a lot of nothing. Oh the life of a married, part time working wife! Did I mention I ate bread as well? :D

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