Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Day

Well, today was my first day on the floor at my new job as an EMT at an emergency department close to where I live. Whew! It's been awhile since I've done a 12 hour shift! I needed a foot rub when I got home, and luckily my husband was obliging :) for once. I couldn't sleep last night - tossed and turned and ended sleeping on the couch. Ick! Everyone I met today was nice - save for one of the docs being - well - a doc :) I have more experience than he does! Oh well... I am still learning a lot. This ER is soo different from the ER I worked at before. Same kinda of people, but different layout and setting.
I have said before that I don't like people, and that's not entirely accurate. When I am dealing with a person one on one, I appreciate them and treat them the best that I can. I do have to work at keeping going - I would fall asleep on the job if I let myself! I am too willing sometimes to let others do the work - but maybe I just forget the times where I take the lead and get things done.
Ooofda I am tired!

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